Today, I came across the problem of having to center a div block on a web page without having all its content being centered. I thought of using text-align: center; but then all the div inner elements would have inherited that style, and that is not what I wanted. I wanter the text inside the […]
Booting MacBook from external eSata drive
I have recently been researching the subject of booting a MacBook from an external eSata drive, more specifically a MacBook Pro. Many people are having trouble doing that, some even claim that it is not possible. However, I have read a few posts from people who have succeeded. The trick is to use an eSata […]
How to keep track of database structure changes
Here is an interesting method for keeping track of modifications brought to an SQL Server database structure: This is quite useful when working on a new version of a database driven web site, since all modifications made to the development database will eventually have to be applied to the QA database and finally the […]
Search SQL objects
Sometimes, I wished I had a mean to find database objects using a particular column or table, and I just came across an interesting script that might help with this. It is a stored procedure to find SQL Server objects based on a column name or text in the code (for Stored Procedures, Functions and […]
SQL Server query to list all user tables in a database
select name from sysobjects where type = ‘U’